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+added some oekaki(s)
I'm an oekaki-addict!! Bwa-haha!! XD

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1423 H,
Merry Christmast 2002 and Happy New Year 2003!! :D



*Hyaa~! Loooong time since the last update! Sorry ppl!! >_<;*

New server, new layout. Simple layout though but easier to edit, etc. Me (webmistress) and my friends who have joined CREATURES sort of busy with our school this year and next year, ...and maybe 4 years later... *o*;;

I made this site just for our database, all drawing in this site is our old.. old.. drawing. We try to put new drawing(s), but maybe it'll take a long long long10x time for next updates, but hey... u still can take a look around for enjoying our works (and maybe.. laughing), hehe.

Well, take care and nice to meet you all.  :)
ps. oh just for remind u, my English aren't so good... (haha!) *dictionary, please..* 



(c) 2000-2002, CREATURES Art Studio. All Rights Reserved.
Any images found on this site may not be altered, copied, or used in any way without the permission of the artists.